
Digital Marketing Tips and Tricks to Increase Sales

October 20, 2021
digital marketing tips and tricks

Whether you’re the owner of a brand, a digital marketing employee who wants to increase sales charts, or just looking to expand your knowledge on the subject, this detailed comprehensive guide on digital marketing tips and tricks is sure to get you to say, “I can do it too.”

Since being renowned and influential in your field is an essentiality for any brand, we’re going to explain what needs to be done for you to reach a quality audience that converts, increases social engagement, builds brand loyalty and eventually, achieves higher sales.

The steps are a basic necessity for brands in any field to ensure that they remain on par and an edge above their competition. The best part is, not everyone knows these tips, and they miss implementing them, making them lose out on their target customers by a huge margin.

While there is no defined manual for digital marketing, running these tactics successfully will make sure you actually see your sales charts soaring upwards along with countless other benefits. Here’s an outline of what we’re about to discuss.

  1. Define your target audience.
  2. Know where your audience is.
  3. Choose your brand’s style & language.
  4. Do site optimization based on SEO.
  5. Integrate a content marketing strategy.
  6. Make & integrate brand videos.
  7. Automate & track email marketing campaigns.
  8. Define remarketing campaigns.
  9. Define CTAs that actually convert.
  10. Measure all your actions.

1. Define your target audience.

Before we get to anything else, you should know who your target audience is. The details such as specific habits, preferences, demographics, age sector, etc. Define who your ideal customer is in a thorough manner, as this will be the guiding factor for all other things we’re about to do.

You need to attain your buyer persona that shows the conditions under how and why clients want to get your products/ services, and in what situations are your offerings add the most value to their lives. You can collect your data by conducting surveys of the existing customers, and then, analyzing their preferences.

If you’re just starting out with your brand and have no customers, conduct a blind test survey of who you think can be your ideal customers on online platforms. You can create free surveys for your brand on survey-creating websites. Here are a few of the top survey platforms that you can use.

Through the surveys, ascertain that you’re getting the information pointers mentioned below, among other details.

  • What products/ services interest your audience the most?
  • What advantages are they expecting from your brand?
  • What tone of communication should you use with them?
  • What social media channels they’re using regularly?

2. Know where your audience is.

Once you’ve obtained all the information in the above step, organize it and you’ll get the information on where your target audience loves to hang out. Knowing what social media channels they’re concentrating on gives you an idea about where you should be communicating with them.

Base your communication efforts with your target audience on the top 2, maximum 3 social media channels in the beginning. You can always branch out later to other channels when you hire an in-house team or an agency providing social media marketing services. (P.S. Glad if you choose us.)

The most used social media channels are usually Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Knowing where to direct your online social communication will result in you reaching out the best to your audience and, invest in appropriate strategies that get you more conversions.

Bonus: You’ll also grow your social media followers and subscribers while you’re at it.

Distributing your digital marketing budget according to where your audience is concentrating on the most, ascertains you get better Return on Investment (ROI) and increased quality leads. Pay attention to metrics such as referrals, shares, likes, conversion rates, etc.

3. Choose your brand’s style & language.

By aligning your brand’s style & language on all platforms you’re on digitally, you give your potential customers a consistent message. So, the first step here would be starting from your mission and vision and then reflecting on it across your platforms.

This includes your brand’s style- from the font, colors, and image types, to your brand’s voice- friendly, neutral, authoritative, informational, and more. There is so much to choose from. Your logo plays a big role in this step as it needs to be in accordance with your brand’s style guide.

This creates a trustworthy and credible image before your target audience who get to know your brand. With a consistent brand design and tone of language, customers believe in your strength and quality compared to others and will want to associate with you, increasing your potential lead lines.

4. Do site optimization based on SEO.

Your website needs to be much more than just explanatory and enticing. To improve your search rankings on Google or any other search engine, and make it easily accessible by your customers, you need to integrate SEO into your website.

With SEO optimization of your site, you appear on top of Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs) and beat your competition at getting more online traffic on your site. With your site reaching customers when they need your product/ service, you improve your conversion rates significantly.

You can research the keywords related to your product/ service online, using free SEO services like Google AdWords. Then, you can implement it in your content thoroughly on the site. Or you can hire Netzens Softech to do that professionally for you and at an advanced level with its nuances.

5. Integrate a content marketing strategy.

Implementing a content marketing strategy is one of the best ways you can increase sales. Blogs have the immensely powerful capacity to build your audience’s interest, engage them with fascinating content and generate high-quality traffic routed to your site.

And to get all that, you need to have high-quality content that is consistent with your brand voice and style.

You need to produce top-notch content based on SEO practices that can educate your audience, improve their knowledge and add value to their lives. This helps them make the decision of purchase that much easier. The blogs should not consist of general content available everywhere.

The content should be based on topics that attract the audience and give them the information needed to make their purchase. The content for the site and social media channels also needs to be optimized in a similar manner. And with that consistency, you build your conversions.

6. Make & integrate brand videos.

Videos have a way of bringing your information to life. It is a way of digesting the content in easy-to-understand tidbits while entertaining your target audience. It increases audience engagement by 200% and helps in making the purchase decision easier by guiding them about the pros.

As said in countless surveys, videos boost digital marketing efforts by 85%. 58% of consumers prefer watching videos over consuming any other type of content as it takes no effort on their part.

You can choose various types of videos to create and put it on your website and social media channels. The videos can consist of demos, interviews, explainers, etc. depending on a brand’s particular needs over a specific period of time.

7. Automate & track email marketing campaigns.

Emails are and have been a classic tool for lead generation for ages. However, most brands have no idea how to use them for their benefit. Email marketing campaigns can reach a much broader audience at a time that is convenient to them through email automation.

Email automation is a feature available on all email marketing platforms, in both free and paid features. With this, all you need to do is figure out what is the best time for your target audience to open and read your mails, and this feature does the rest.

You can also segment your targets based on demographics and other factors to suit your offerings to their needs and requirements.

Building your mail list poses another challenge. A way to combat it tactfully is to ask your followers and subscribers for it. People who’re actually attracted to your product/ service will provide it willingly.

If they are not interested and yet getting your mails, you not only will increase your cost per email address, you also won’t be getting good conversion results from the people. Don’t forget to track your results from the ongoing email marketing campaigns.

8. Define remarketing campaigns.

With brands always facing the challenge of visitors not completing their purchase after choosing a product/ service and its specifications, a remarketing campaign helps them, remind of their abandoned cart on the site.

The logic from visitors going through the trouble of carefully browsing through and selecting your product/ service in detail, yet not making the purchase is that they are interested in buying your offerings but are held back by some reason- usually being finances.

Here, a coupon or an offer for a discount might help you close the sale quicker in comparison to simply reminding them about the situation in an email with the offering link to your site. However, this isn’t always needed and a reminder email should do the work.

9. Define CTAs that actually convert.

If you don’t know what CTAs are, it’s about time you should. CTAs are short for Call To Action. These are small catchphrases or attractive pieces of text that convince your customers to make the purchase. These texts can also encourage them to complete an action or a task.

For this, you need to have a few phrases on each page of your website and social profiles. You can browse through your competition’s offerings and create CTAs of your own. These phrases greatly affect the conversions so be sure you know what you want your audience to do or are guiding them.

Apart from guiding your customers to take any action, you also need to highlight these CTAs in buttons that lead the visitor to complete the task. They need to be in the brand’s colors, in one and a maximum of two color choices. The takeaway is that they stand out on the page interface for users.

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